Splish, Splash, Spa: Your Path to Perfect Water Care
There are a number of ways to care for the water in your hot tub or swim spa. Our spa water care guide provides instructions for the methods that we have found to be the most effective and easy to use.
This guide is tailored to the water conditions prevalent in Boise, Idaho / Idaho Falls, Idaho and the surrounding regions, where water quality is characterized by elevated calcium levels and pH levels. Keep in mind that the composition of your water may vary, so it's important to factor in these distinctions.
Water Care Methods

Ozone Method
Compatible with ozone spas
Also known as "mineral block"
More convenient than bromine

Pro Method
Compatible with ozone spas
Leisure Time Inc. exclusive
The ultimate freshwater method

FreshWater Method
Compatible with Salt System equipped hot tubs
Utilizes high-quality FreshWater products
Easily maintainable

Ace Method
Compatible with Highlife, Highlife NXT and Limelight spas
Ultra-simple care
Highly documented water care method

FROG Method
Compatible with ozone spas
Features a self-regulating sanitizer for minimal maintenance
Utilizes high-quality FROG products